ShopIt Ecommerce Site
Javascript, Express.js, React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB - Shopping website for tech products that can be customized
for any shopping experience/client. Fully-functioning checkout process, user authentication, admin functionality (add or edit
products, users, or orders with ease), keyword search for products, includes pagination, and more.
Traveleez Travel Agency
Javascript, Express.js, Angular, Node.js, MongoDB - Travel Agency platform that helps you find, plan, and book
your next dream getaway. Also contains administrator single-page application for adding, editing, and deleting trips.
Quizzler - A Crowd-Sourced Knowledge Platform
Javascript, Angular, Docker, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway, DynamoDB - Enjoy the social media upvote potential of Reddit,
but want to study while you're at it? This application crowd-sources questions and answers, allowing users to upvote and downvote answers.
Smart Thermostat
C, Programmable Microprocessor - Created the code for a smart thermostat that allows the board to sense the temperature,
user to adjust desired temperature, turns on an indicator when heat is running, and sends this information to a cloud server.
No-Spam Bot for Discord Servers
Python, Web Hosting - Created 24/7 uptime bot that automatically detects certain message parameters and deletes or moves
those messages to appropriate channel along with a message to the user that their message was removed.
OpenGL 3D Scene
C++, OpenGL - 3D scene to show off some of the power of visual graphics through programming. Features various textures, shapes,
and camera control tools.